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    Along the Kander, more place for nature!

    TRUZ - Mattrain 1, 79576 Weil am Rhein


    Along its course, where flooding protections allowed for, the waterway has been enlarged to give more space to nature. This has slowed down the flow and rendered fish migrations easier. The renatured areas attract numerous insects, which are sought after by the birds, such as the grey wagtail, which nests along the Kander. This little bird loves to settle along river banks and uses gravel bars as hunting spots where it watches for insects. For those on the look for the beaver, the undisputed king of construction, they will soon surely be spotting traces left on tree trunks, since all necessary conditions are now fulfilled for this mammal to invest the Kander course…
    overview of the map
    79576 Weil am Rhein, TRUZ - Mattrain 1

    Aktivität gefunden bei:

    Erstellt am: 13.06.2020, Quelle: Schwarzwaldverein e.V., Autor:in: keine Angabe

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